
我们的介入神经放射学家提供专家, minimally invasive procedures to treat blood vessel disorders of the brain 和 spine. We are national 和 international leaders in interventional treatments.



Our interventional neuroradiologists evaluate 和 treat adults 和 children with a wide range of disorders affecting blood vessels of the brain 和 spine (cerebrovascular disorders). 我们提供全面的, 先进的护理, building on 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s long history of innovation 和 excellence.


创新和发明: We are known for inventing a coiling technique to treat 脑动脉瘤. 自开发和使用古列尔米可拆卸线圈以来, these 和 later versions of the coils have revolutionized aneurysm care.

全方位、以团队为基础的护理: 我们有高度整合的护理团队, 所以如果我们必须使用不同的或更具侵入性的方法, 我们有 神经学家神经外科医生 随时待命,协助治疗. Our specialists also work in the Vascular Birthmark Center along with our colleagues in 整形手术, 皮肤病学, 头颈外科眼科学. 我们提供全方位的治疗方案, 使用最适合每个病人的护理计划.

卒中介入治疗的领导者: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 interventional neuroradiologists have paved the way in interventional stroke care. 我们皇冠hga025发明了MERCI装置, the first device approved for opening blood vessels in an acute stroke. We were also the first institution in Los Angeles designated as a Comprehensive Stroke Center by the Joint Commission.


Interventional neuroradiologists treat disorders that affect blood vessels in the brain 和 spine. 我们提供全面的 care for a number of conditions, including:

急性中风: A medical emergency that occurs when a blockage in the carotid (neck) arteries disrupts blood flow to the brain

动静脉畸形(AVM): An irregular connection between arteries 和 veins in the brain that can interrupt blood flow

脑动脉瘤: A bulge in one of the brain’s blood vessels that can cause life-threatening bleeding if it bursts

颈动脉动脉粥样硬化: 颈动脉斑块堆积和狭窄, 颈部的血管将血液输送到脑部

脑静脉窦血栓形成: A blood clot in the venous sinuses, part of the brain’s blood drainage system

硬脑膜动静脉瘘: Irregular connections between arteries 和 veins in the tissue that covers the brain 和 spinal cord (dura mater)

性烟雾病: A chronic condition that causes progressive narrowing in the carotid arteries

小儿颅面血管畸形: Atypically formed blood vessels that are present at birth 和 eventually become visible on the face, 像胎记一样

脊柱血管畸形: Irregular tangles of blood vessels occurring in the spinal cord

盖伦静脉畸形: A rare type of AVM that develops before birth 和 affects the vein of Galen, 将血液从大脑输送到心脏的大静脉

椎体压缩性骨折: An injury that occurs when one of your spinal bones (vertebrae) fractures 和 decreases in height by at least 15%


介入性手术使用小, 空心管(导管), specialized wires 和 imaging scans to access 和 treat blood vessels. 检查和治疗可能包括:

血管造影: This test allows physicians to view the brain’s blood vessels by using contrast dye 和 imaging such as X-rays or CT scans.

血管成形术和支架置入术: We insert a catheter through an artery in the groin, then guide it to blocked carotid arteries. We place a filter device into the blood vessel to capture any loose debris during the procedure. Then we inflate a balloon in the artery 和 place a flexible metal or mesh tube (stent) to help keep the artery open. 我们经常使用这种技术来治疗颈动脉粥样硬化.

球囊闭塞试验: We temporarily block one of the four main arteries carrying blood to the brain to determine if it can be closed safely, 不影响功能. We may use this test to establish a treatment plan for an aneurysm or vascular malformation.  

栓塞: This minimally invasive technique blocks arteries that supply blood to tumors, 畸形或其他病变组织. We use catheters 和 small particles, glue or coils to target specific arteries. This procedure may be used to treat arteriovenous malformations, 脑动脉瘤, dural arteriovenous fistulas 和 spinal vascular malformations.

血管内凝块治疗: We insert a catheter into a blood vessel 和 guide it to a blood clot. Then we send a clot-busting medicine or clot-capturing device through the catheter. We may use these techniques to treat a stroke or cerebral venous sinus thrombosis.

下岩窦取样: We use X-rays 和 catheters to take small blood samples from the inferior petrosal sinuses, 将血液从脑下垂体输送出去的主要静脉. We use this test to measure hormone levels 和 diagnose or rule out conditions such as pituitary tumors or Cushing’s disease.

椎体成形术、骶骨成形术、后凸成形术: We can treat vertebral compression fractures by stabilizing the fracture with a special cement (vertebroplasty or sacroplasty) or restoring height by inflating a balloon inside the vertebra (kyphoplasty) 和 then injecting the cement. This is done through a needle that is carefully placed into the fractured vertebra using X-ray guidance.


Our interventional neuroradiologists are experts in disorders affecting blood vessels in the brain 和 spine. We continue to build on 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康’s long history of innovation by researching, developing 和 implementing new technologies 和 treatment options. Patients benefit from a comprehensive, team-based care approach.


Kasra Khatibi医学博士

Kasra Khatibi医学博士



医学博士Lucido Ponce-Mejia

医学博士Lucido Ponce-Mejia



Hamidreza Saber, MD

Hamidreza Saber, MD




Tracy Aden:经理

Tracy Aden:经理



Alicia Jimenez:病人护理协调员

Alicia Jimenez:病人护理协调员








呼叫 310-267-8761 to request an appointment with an interventional neuroradiologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our interventional neuroradiology team has paved the way for interventional procedures, creating several of the devices 和 techniques widely used today. 呼叫 310-267-8761 了解更多有关我们的服务.