Head & 颈部手术




皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们的专家团队一直在全国名列前茅. U.S. 皇冠hga025 & 世界报道 目前将我们列为 No. 耳、鼻、喉护理位居全国第二.


有针对性的护理: We provide many subspecialized programs so patients receive personalized care for their head 和颈部 related conditions. 例如,在2005年,我们建立了第一个 声音中心 在美国西部. We are also one of only a handful of centers in Southern California where patients can have surgery for cochlear implants.

公认的专业技能: UCLA otolaryngologists (head 和颈部 specialists) are nationally and internationally known as leaders in their fields. 每年, more than 1,000 patients come from other countries to receive care at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. Many of our head 和颈部 外科医生 achieve recognition as Southern California Super Doctors, 该榜单由医疗保健专业人士投票选出,并由 洛杉矶杂志.   

特殊的结果: 自从我们20多年前建立这个项目以来, 我们表演了不止一场,500例微血管重建手术(使用显微镜的手术). Our patients experience outstanding outcomes — our success rate with these procedures is higher than 99%, 超过全国90%左右的平均水平.  


We have a wide range of programs and services to connect you with the care you need. 如果你不确定你需要什么专科护理, 我们的工作人员可以帮助您选择专家并讨论转介. 我们的护理领域包括:  


气道狭窄项目: 通过气道狭窄项目, 我们通过手术治疗由于气道狭窄引起的呼吸问题. 我们使用最新的技术来改善患者的治疗效果和生活质量. Our multidisciplinary approach includes the expertise of specialists in head 和颈部 surgery, 胸外科, 肺学 和更多的.

平衡项目: This unique outpatient clinic combines the expertise of UCLA otolaryngologists with physical therapists. We use a true multidisciplinary approach to diag鼻子 and treat dizziness and 平衡失调. 我们的专家使用一系列的技术来创造一个独特的, 为每位患者制定个性化的治疗方案.

人工耳蜗项目: Since 1997, we have provided cochlear implants for more than 500 patients of all ages. We are one of the largest cochlear implant centers in Southern California and specialists around the country recognize us as experts.  

内分泌外科项目: 我们采用团队合作的方式,包括内分泌学家的专业知识, 外科医生, 放射科医生, 和病理学家. Patients from all over the western United States come to us for treatment of thyroid and parathyroid disorders that require surgery. We collaborate with specialists in multiple areas across the hospital to ensure that each patient has access to any necessary specialty care.

头颈部癌症项目: 每年, 我们完成了50多个,000人次就诊, making us one of the most active head 和颈部 cancer treatment centers in the nation. 我们使用先进的诊断工具和治疗头颈部癌症的方法. 感谢我们的积极主动, 国家认可的研究项目, 患者还可以参加一系列临床试验.   

鼻窦疾病项目: We use a comprehensive approach to care that incorporates the expertise of otolaryngologists, 变态反应, 和外科医生. 自1987年以来, 我们一直在使用内窥镜方法进行鼻窦手术, 这意味着许多患者可以在没有面部切口的情况下进行手术. 我们每年做400多例手术, 超过90%的患者症状明显缓解.

睡眠外科项目: We are recognized internationally as experts in the surgical evaluation and treatment of obstructive sleep apnea and snoring. Our experience and clinical research trials are based in our commitment to finding the right approach for each patient and delivering the best possible outcomes.

吞咽障碍项目: 在这个节目中, we use a unique team approach that includes an otolaryngologist and a speech pathologist. 在其他医疗机构, 这些专家在不同的地方工作, 要求患者安排多次预约以获得所需的护理. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we coordinate your care in one convenient setting and quickly set up specialty referrals, 如果需要.

医学和艺术语音中心: We are at the forefront of clinical research, diagnosis, and treatment of voice disorders. 治疗小组包括多个专科医生, 比如喉科医生, 声音科学家和语言病理学家. Many of our patients who have suffered from poor or lost voice have regained vocal skills through our center.  


Our head 和颈部 specialists are experts in advanced head 和颈部 surgery procedures.

面部整形和重建手术: We take a refined, professional approach to facial plastic and aesthetic surgery. 我们与 整形手术 在面部和颈部进行功能性和美容手术的团队. For example, we provide treatment for surgical scars, facial paralysis, skin cancer defects 和更多的.  

微血管及重建外科: Since 1995, we have been at the forefront of microvascular and reconstructive surgery techniques. 每年,我们的病人数量都在全国名列前茅. 这项技术要求很高,需要从手臂上取下组织, 腿, 腹部或背部来重建脸部, 口, 或喉咙.  

微创手术(MIS) 微创手术使用小切口和微型手术工具. 当我们使用微创技术时, 患者受益于更快的恢复时间, 减少疤痕和疼痛. Our head 和颈部 外科医生 use MIS whenever appropriate and possible, including for children.   

Neurotology: A neurotologist specializes in conditions that affect the nerves between the brain and the ears. 拥有超过30年的经验, our head 和颈部 外科医生 have allowed us to achieve recognition as a neurotology Center of Excellence with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 我们为神经系统疾病提供最先进的护理, 比如耳鸣, 平衡失调, 梅尼埃病(又名内耳眩晕病), 或者颅底肿瘤.

小儿耳鼻喉科: Our head 和颈部 外科医生 provide comprehensive pediatric otolaryngology care in partnership with 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校美泰儿童医院. 我们在儿童友好的环境中提供门诊服务. 当需要时,我们在我们的门诊手术中心进行许多手术 罗纳德·里根皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心.  


我们的外科医生治疗各种类型的头颈疼痛, 以及影响耳朵的情况, 鼻子, 喉咙, 和颈部. 我们治疗的常见病症包括:  

过敏性鼻炎: Sometimes called hay fever, an allergic response that causes itchy eyes, sneezing and a runny 鼻子.  

慢性鼻窦炎: When your sinuses (the spaces in your 鼻子 and head around your nasal passages) are inflamed for long periods.  

慢性扁桃体炎: Repeat infection or inflammation in your tonsils (small lumps of tissue near the back of your 口).

吞咽困难: 吞咽困难, 通常是另一种健康状况的症状, 比如中风, 痴呆, 或多发性硬化(MS).   

声音沙哑: 刺耳的, strained or breathy voice that is usually a symptom of another condition such as an upper respiratory infection.  

喉炎: 声带发炎,引起声音嘶哑、不适或发烧.  

鼻息肉: 软性的、非癌性的生长在鼻子或鼻窦内壁.

阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停: 睡眠时呼吸阻塞.

打鼾: Sound produced by the vibration of tissues inside the 口 and 喉咙 during sleep.


我们的头颈外科医生采用先进的技术和治疗方法. 常见的手术包括:

人工耳蜗手术: An operation to place cochlear implants (small electronic devices that stimulate a nerve in your ear to restore hearing).

耳部整形: Surgery to reshape the outer ear, often to correct a deformity or improve appearance after a trauma.

鼻整形术: 改变鼻子形状的手术, 要么改善呼吸, 改变鼻子的外观或两者兼而有之.

鼻中隔成形术: Surgery to correct a deviated septum (the space between your nostrils) by straightening bone and cartilage.

鼻窦手术: 旨在清除鼻窦阻塞或治疗慢性鼻窦炎的手术.

甲状腺切除术: An operation to remove all or part of the thyroid gland (small gland at the base of your neck that produces hormones). 

扁桃腺切除术: A procedure to remove the tonsils, usually to treat chronic tonsillitis or obstructive sleep apnea.


Our head 和颈部 surgery team is made up of experts in clinical care and research. 我们使用最先进的诊断工具和手术技术. Our goal is to offer each patient the best chances for a quick recovery and exceptional outcome.


呼叫 310-206-6688 要求预约皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心的头颈外科医生.


我们的头颈外科医生一直在全国名列前茅. 欲了解更多有关我们的服务,请致电 310-206-6688.
