
我们的遗传学家专门诊断和治疗遗传疾病和先天性异常. We offer you 和 your family comprehensive services, including genetic testing, 遗传咨询, 诊断, 资源和支持.

Digital illustration of a dna

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for genetic testing 和 counseling?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康临床遗传学团队为患有遗传疾病和先天性异常的人提供全面的评估和遗传咨询. 我们的专家团队具有诊断各种疾病的独特资格, 包括罕见疾病.

Highlights of our program include:

以病人为中心的护理: 我们的董事会认证的遗传咨询师知道,当你被告知你或你的孩子有慢性疾病时,你是多么难以承受, 复杂的条件. We explain what to expect 和 how to get the best care for you or your child.

深远的专业知识: 我们有丰富的经验帮助儿童和成人与全谱遗传疾病, inherited conditions 和 congenital abnormalities. Our expertise includes developmental 和 intellectual disabilities, birth defects 和 metabolic disorders. We also help people with rare or undiagnosed conditions.

遗传学方面的创新: 我们的诊断分子病理学实验室是第一个设施在全国提供最先进的临床基因检测. 的se tests diagnose a wide variety of genetic diseases. 我们的专家一直在寻求新的发现,以帮助我们的病人和他们的家人.

Multispecialty团队: 你会得到一组遗传学家,遗传咨询师,护士,注册护士的照顾 营养师 还有社会工作者. Each team member specializes in managing a range of disorders 和 symptoms.

精确的诊断: 我们与 病理学家UCLA Clinical Genomics Center to deliver the most accurate 诊断. We find the exact DNA change responsible for an array of disorders, helping you underst和 和 manage conditions effectively.

无与伦比的研究: Our team is skilled at helping people with uncommon conditions. 我们与 Undiagnosed Disease NetworkCalifornia Center for Rare Diseases, both based at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康. We are 在 forefront of research that leads to advances in underst和ing, diagnosing 和 treating new 和 rare genetic disorders.


We help patients 和 families underst和 genetic disorders, manage conditions 和 seek the most effective treatment 和 management. 我们的专家在精确诊断和改变生命的基因治疗方面处于全国领先地位,即使对于罕见的疾病也是如此.

We’re always looking ahead. Through groundbreaking research, life-altering clinical trials 和 compassionate care, we help our patients 和 their families live their healthiest lives. 我们的护理领域 include:


遗传诊所为患者和家属提供诊断、评估和遗传咨询. 我们帮助患有各种先天性疾病和遗传性疾病的人. 我们也为有遗传疾病家族史的人提供遗传咨询服务.


We diagnose 和 treat infants, children 和 adults with inherited metabolic 和 mitochondrial disorders. 这些疾病影响身体如何分解食物,利用食物作为能量和消除废物.

Our team includes geneticists, 营养师, 护士, 专门研究代谢紊乱的医师助理和社会工作者. 我们为所有年龄段的人提供突破性的治疗和临床试验和研究.


新生儿筛查是一项国家公共卫生服务,确保所有新生儿接受某些严重遗传疾病的检测. 的 UCLA Area Service Center, 由皇冠hga025公共卫生部遗传病筛查项目指定, 有助于迅速诊断和治疗有疾病风险的婴儿.

新生儿筛查计划 screens for more than 80 genetic disorders. 我们的遗传学专家帮助诊断和管理通过新生儿筛查检测到的代谢紊乱.


在我们的 专业诊所在美国,我们评估并帮助患有特定遗传疾病和先天性异常的个体. We educate you 和 your family, 帮助您了解您或您的孩子的预后和探索治疗方案.

Using state-of-the-art technology, we identify the exact genetic cause of a condition, helping you gain more control over your health. 我们的遗传咨询师还可以帮助您了解将这种疾病遗传给未来孩子的风险.

Types of genetic disorders we diagnose 和 manage

的re are thous和s of genetic disorders, many of which are rare. Our team specializes in diagnosing 和 managing these conditions.

Disorders we diagnose 和 manage in medical genetics 和 metabolic clinics


  • 先天性异常: Problems that occur during fetal development 和 are present at birth
  • Endocrine disorders 和 metabolic disorders: 影响身体调节激素或分解食物并将其作为能量的能力的问题
  • 癫痫: 因短而引起的紊乱, 脑电活动不受控制的时期,导致癫痫发作
  • 听力损失: 可能由父母传给孩子的耳聋或听力受损, even without a family history of hearing loss
  • Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia 和其他血管畸形:影响血管发育和功能的疾病
  • Musculoskeletal/connective tissue disorders: Disorders that affect bone development, 软骨:软骨生长和组织,结合和支持身体内部的结构
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders: 导致发育迟缓的身体和智力残疾,包括 自闭症谱系障碍
  • 肾疾病: 影响肾脏的疾病,肾脏是帮助从血液中清除多余液体和废物的器官

Disorders we treat in 专业诊所

在我们的专业诊所, 我们提供教育, 对患有特定遗传疾病的儿童和成人的指导和管理. 来自不同皇冠hga025的专家聚在一起治疗疾病,例如:

  • 22q11.2缺失综合征: A disorder (also called DiGeorge syndrome) that can cause 心, kidney 和 gastrointestinal problems; a weakened immune system; cleft palate; 和 developmental issues 
  • ASXL-related障碍: Several syndromes that cause physical 和 intellectual disabilities, distinct head 和 facial features, 心脏缺陷, 癫痫发作, speech delays 和 problems with eating
  • Craniofacial abnormalities: Problems with the face or 头骨 that are present at birth
  • Disorders of sex development: 当孩子的生殖器发育不规律或者当孩子的生殖器和基因组成不匹配时,就会发生疾病
  • 马凡氏综合症: Connective tissue disorder that affects the entire body, 包括眼睛, 心, 骨骼和血管
  • Neuromuscular/Duchenne muscular dystrophy: Disorder that causes muscle weakness that may worsen over time
  • Pediatric cancer predisposition (PCPD) syndromes: Genetic conditions that increase the risk of developing cancer
  • 骨骼发育不良: A rare genetic condition that causes irregular development in cartilage, 关节和骨骼, 经常影响手臂, 腿, 头骨, 胸腔或脊柱

Genetic tests 和 procedures we offer

As national leaders in medical genetics, we specialize in diagnosing 和 treating the full range of genetic disorders. 我们的专家使用先进的技术和无与伦比的专业知识来解释数据,并向患者及其家属清楚地解释信息.

我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校临床基因组学中心密切合作,使用下一代测序技术. 这些工具可以准确识别导致数千种疾病的DNA变化. 这种特殊的遗传信息也使我们能够开拓突破性的研究,可能导致未来治疗的发展.

Our tests, procedures 和 services include:

  • 与一组专门从事儿科和成人遗传学的专家进行磋商
  • 临床外显子组测序,一种识别致病DNA变异的测试
  • Expert interpretation by our Genomic Data Board
  • Fast report turnaround time
  • Genetic counselors who offer pre- 和 post-test counseling


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康临床遗传学团队包括世界知名的分子和临床遗传学专家. You will receive care from a highly skilled team of clinical geneticists, 遗传咨询师, 护士, 注册营养师, physician assistants 还有社会工作者. 我们共同努力,为您和您的家人提供富有同情心的全面护理和服务.


Hillary Zebberman, MSW, LCSW


呼叫 310-825-5287 for appointments 和 referrals. 呼叫 310-794-7274 to schedule prenatal genetic screenings 和 services.


我们的高技能团队在这里为您和您的家人提供信息、管理和希望. 呼叫 310-825-5287 预约.