
How to know when a message to your provider will be billed to your insurance, 以及要花多少钱.

MyChart消息成本 for 计费 & 保险 purposes at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康

Medical Advice Through myUCLAhealth Messages

Health care is more virtual than ever before, and people are taking advantage of the quick access to their doctors through online patient portals, such as myUCLAhealth (MyChart). Messaging your provider through MyChart is easy and convenient and can be a great alternative to an in-person or video visit. 

Cost of medical advice delivered through myUCLAhealth messages 

While most messages patients send to providers through myUCLAhealth are processed quickly and never billed to insurance, those that take time and medical expertise are considered a type of 虚拟的护理 — and are treated as such.

保险 companies accept 虚拟的护理 as a legitimate and useful way for people to get medical advice. Health insurance covers many types of 虚拟的护理,包括:

  • 视频访问
  • 电话探访
  • Medical advice messaging (through myUCLAhealth)
  • Remote patient monitoring programs

Which types of myUCLAhealth messages are billed to insurance?

Providers can answer most myUCLAhealth messages in a few minutes or less, but some require more time and medical expertise. Here’s how to know if your message will be billed:

免费myUCLAhealth消息Billable myUCLAhealth Messages
处方补充请求A new problem or symptom that needs to be evaluated by a doctor
Message that prompts your doctor to recommend a visitPrescribing a new medication 
Follow-up treatment after a recent operation (within the last 90 days) with exceptions for some surgeriesConducting a chronic disease check-in 
Messages about an issue addressed during a visit in the last seven daysAddressing a flare-up or change in a chronic condition 
Update for your doctor that doesn’t require a response 
Question that takes only a few minutes to answer 

Keep this general rule of thumb in mind: If it takes more than a few minutes for your health care provider to respond to your message, your insurance may be billed. Your insurance will not get billed for a myUCLAhealth message if your message doesn’t require medical advice or it can be answered quickly.

How much do myUCLAhealth messages cost?

If there’s a cost associated with your myUCLAhealth message, the amount you’ll end up paying varies. 对一些病人来说, even if a message is billed to insurance, they don’t have to pay anything because their out-of-pocket costs are covered.

Below are common examples of costs based on insurance type:

保险类别 myUCLAhealth消息的成本
医疗保险                               Most patients will have no out-of-pocket expenses. The cost for some patients ranges from $3 to $6.
Patients with 医疗保险 Advantage have a 20美元的费用 (the cost of an in-person or video visit).
皇冠hga025医保                                                                                                                         无需自付费用.
私人保险                                                                                           Some patients have copays comparable to those charged for in-person or video visits (usually $10 or $20). If a deductible applies, the full cost (通常是75美元)收费.

Contact your insurance provider to learn exactly how much you'll have to pay out-of-pocket for a medical advice message.

How do I send a message to my doctor through myUCLAhealth?

登录到 myUCLAhealth (MyChart) using a web browser or the MyChart app. Pick the provider you want to message from a list of your providers. You must be a current patient to message a provider.

Select “Contact my doctor’s office.“输入并发送你的信息.

How to message your provider using myUCLAHealth?

How long does it take to get a response to a myUCLAhealth message?

You can expect a response from your provider 2个工作日内

Do not use myUCLAhealth messages for urgent issues. If you need to contact your provider right away, call the main number for his or her clinic. Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department if you have a medical emergency.

myUCLAhealth is powered by MyChart® licensed from Epic Systems Corporation, © 1999 – 2024.

What should I do if I have a question about a charge?

首先,阅读我们的 billing and health insurance FAQs to see if your question is answered there.

Like other California hospitals, we send separate bills for hospital services and physician services. (For an explanation of which care falls under which service, see making sense of your 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 medical bill.)

Since we bill separately, make sure to contact the appropriate service:

  • 医生的服务: 310-301-8860 (Monday to Friday: 7 am to 7 pm)
  • Hospital services (Monday to Friday: 7:30 am to 4 pm):


If you want to message your provider through MyChart, you need a myUCLAhealth account. 注册很容易 遵循以下步骤.