
我们的泌尿肿瘤学家提供全面、协调的癌症治疗. We continually research new treatments, bringing the most leading-edge therapies to patients.



The UCLA Institute of 泌尿道的肿瘤 brings together a team of scientists and physicians who develop and implement leading-edge cancer treatments. Our specialists research new treatments and bring them to patients in real-time.


研究重点及临床试验: 多亏了我们的研究, 我们可以更好地观察肿瘤, 治疗罕见肾癌,为患者带来新疗法. Through clinical trials, we offer eligible patients promising new treatment options.

个性化、以患者为中心的方法: Our specialists understand that no two patients are alike and always choose the approach that offers the highest chances of the best possible outcome. 我们也尽可能个性化治疗方案. For example, we use genomic sequencing to study the genetic makeup of a specific cancer. This approach helps us understand which treatments are most likely to effectively cure the cancer.

Multispecialty护理: 我们的团队汇集了泌尿肿瘤学家,医学肿瘤学家, 放射肿瘤学家, pathologists, radiologists 还有临床试验护士和医生. All these specialists work together to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art treatment.


We provide comprehensive care for cancers that affect the urinary tract and male reproductive system. 我们的护理领域包括:


我们的泌尿肿瘤学家为膀胱癌提供高级护理. A multispecialty team of physicians and scientists works together to personalize each care plan using the most advanced approaches. 我们参与了多个研究项目和临床试验, 为符合条件的患者提供最新的治疗方法. 了解更多关于膀胱癌的信息.


The specialists in our comprehensive program treat thousands of patients with kidney cancer each year. 我们使用最先进的疗法来提供最高标准的护理. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we believe that new advances and research will translate into cured cancer for more and more patients. 了解更多关于肾癌的信息.


We offer the latest, most advanced care for early- and late-stage prostate cancer. Our fellowship-trained urologic oncologists have consistently ranked among the top prostate cancer physicians in the country. UCLA Health specialists are pioneers in developing new technologies and techniques leading to safer, 更有效的治疗方法. 了解更多关于前列腺癌的信息.


The specialists in our 睾丸癌项目 offer comprehensive, holistic treatment. 我们将每个护理方案个性化,以满足每位患者的需求, 使用最新的手术治疗方法, 化疗和放疗. 了解更多关于睾丸癌的信息.


Our Genitourinary 癌症遗传风险评估计划 helps patients identify potential genetic causes of urologic cancer. Often, knowing your genetic risks can help your care team personalize your treatment plan. 它还有助于确定其他家庭成员是否有风险. A genetic counselor provides detailed consultations to help you understand your test results. 了解更多关于癌症遗传学的知识.


Our specialists offer second opinion consults for multiple types of cancer, 不管你住在哪里. We offer video consultations to allow patients across the country to access our state-of-the-art care. 了解更多关于癌症的第二意见.


We offer newly diagnosed patients the opportunity to meet with various specialists on the same day in the same clinic. 患者接受由泌尿科医生组成的协调团队提供的治疗方案, 放射肿瘤学家和泌尿外科医生. This integrated approach avoids the need for multiple visits and allows patients to explore all their treatment options in one convenient setting.


泌尿肿瘤学家治疗任何发生在泌尿道的癌症, 前列腺或睾丸, including:

膀胱癌: 膀胱内形成的不规则细胞团, 排尿器:在尿液排出体外之前保存尿液的器官

肾癌: Tumors that start in the kidneys, the organs that remove excess fluid and waste from the blood

前列腺癌: Cancer that starts in the prostate, the small gland that produces seminal fluid

睾丸癌: Cancer that starts in the testicles, the male organs that create sperm and testosterone


Our urologic oncologists partner with medical oncologists and 放射肿瘤学家 to provide therapeutic treatment. 这些治疗包括: 

Chemotherapy: This cancer treatment involves powerful medicines that destroy fast-growing cells, 包括癌细胞. Patients may take chemotherapy as an oral medication or through an intravenous (IV) line. 

放射治疗: 医生使用高剂量的辐射来缩小或摧毁肿瘤. Patients may have several sessions of radiation therapy throughout cancer treatment.

近距离放射疗法: 肿瘤学家直接在前列腺中植入小的放射性种子. Radiation travels to the prostate with minimal effects on surrounding tissue.

体外放射治疗(EBRT): Radiation oncologists position a machine that directs external beams of radiation to cancer cells inside the body. 这是最常见的一种放射疗法. 

立体定向放射治疗(SBRT): Radiation oncologists use specialized technology to shape radiation beams to the shape of the tumor. Then, they deliver precise, intense radiation doses directly to the tumor.

Surgery: Surgeons aim to remove as much of a tumor as possible while leaving healthy tissue intact. 他们也可能切除附近的淋巴结或其他组织. Our specialists use robot-assisted and minimally invasive techniques as often as possible. These approaches lead to smaller incisions, less pain and quicker recovery. 

靶向治疗: 这些药物可以识别和靶向癌细胞. 它们可以摧毁癌细胞或阻止癌细胞生长. 

免疫疗法: This treatment boosts your immune system to fight cancer more effectively. Patients take specific drugs, proteins or blood components to increase immune function.

基因组肿瘤分析: Our oncologists take a small sample of cancer cells and analyze it to look for unique gene changes. 他们利用这些信息来个性化癌症治疗, 找到最有可能有效的选择.

Meet our team

Our urologic oncologists are researchers and expert physicians who provide comprehensive cancer care with a warm, 个性化的方法. They continually study new treatments and offer the most promising therapies to patients. 


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