Adult Intestinal and Multivisceral Transplant

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心提供全国顶尖的肠道和多内脏移植项目之一. We also deliver comprehensive services, including intestinal rehabilitation, nontransplant surgery and nutritional support.
Illustration of Intestine

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for adult intestinal transplant?

As leaders in intestinal transplant (small bowel transplant), 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康提供有效的治疗和全面的支持,从专门的专家团队. When you come to us, you’ll find: 

无与伦比的专业知识: Small bowel transplant requires a very specific skill set and expertise. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is one of a handful of programs in the U.S. — and among the top programs in the world — to offer this procedure.

Multivisceral transplant experience: 自1991年以来, 我们成功地进行了多内脏移植(肠移植), 胰腺, liver and stomach) in adults. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 leads the nation in the latest techniques, and our liver transplant program is one of the most active in the country. Learn more about our Liver Transplant Program.

杰出的结果: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的肠道移植包括世界知名移植专家最先进的护理. Our patients have consistently excellent results. 存活率等于或优于其他主要项目.

Comprehensive gut rehabilitation: We explore every avenue to treat short bowel syndrome (short gut), 肠衰竭, and illnesses and injuries that cause 肠衰竭. 肠道康复专家支持你的健康,这样你就可以避免可能导致移植的并发症.

Highly personalized treatment and 护理专家: Our years of transplant experience translate into exceptional care. 您将接受我们经验丰富的肠道衰竭护理团队的个性化治疗. 我们会在移植手术完成后很长一段时间内提供支持.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家提供了许多非手术和手术的选择,可以帮助你避免移植的需要. As part of our comprehensive services, we guide you through every step. 我们提供:

Nonsurgical care and intestinal rehabilitation

The small intestine absorbs food, liquids and vitamins. If it doesn't work like it should, your body can’t absorb the nutrients it needs, leading to a condition called 肠衰竭. 我们的专家作为一个团队,为患有这种疾病的人提供全面的护理.

We specialize in using medications, 改变饮食结构, 非移植治疗和手术,以帮助肠道消化食物和吸收营养. These treatments enable us to improve gut health. They may even help you avoid a transplant.

Expert transplant services

Should you need a transplant, 你可以放心,皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校医疗中心在这些手术方面处于全国领先地位. 我们的专家在肠道移植和多脏器移植方面有多年的经验.

在你从移植手术中恢复后,你会得到全面的照顾和支持. We’re committed to delivering the full spectrum of follow-up care. 这包括抗排斥药物的帮助以及饮食和营养方面的建议. Through regular visits, we work with you to improve your overall health, prevent infection and avoid complications.

What causes 肠衰竭?

Several conditions, disorders and injuries can cause 肠衰竭. 这些包括:

Short bowel syndrome (short gut syndrome): The most common reason for intestinal transplant is short bowel syndrome. 患有这种综合症, 由于先天性(出生时)疾病,部分肠道缺失.

疾病: Intestinal problems sometimes appear shortly after birth. 这些问题包括肠扭转或称为坏死性小肠结肠炎的炎症. 遗传疾病和运动障碍(食物如何通过肠道的问题)会导致肠道衰竭. 胃肠道问题,如克罗恩病和乳糜泻会影响肠道吸收营养的方式.

创伤: Several injuries can damage the intestines and affect how they work. These include injuries from seatbelts, gunshot wounds or stab wounds.

Who is eligible for adult intestinal transplant?

肠衰竭患者需要全肠外营养(TPN)来获得必需的营养. TPN is liquid nutrition provided intravenously (through a vein). 在TPN上表现良好的患者不适合肠移植. 我们只在TPN风险超过移植风险时才考虑肠移植.

To become a candidate for an intestinal transplant, you must have:

  1. 肠衰竭
  2. 你的医生没有期望你剩下的肠道会适应(吸收你身体所需的液体和营养)。
  3. One or more life-threatening complications related to TPN, such as:
    Central venous catheter (CVC) infections
    Major fluid and electrolyte imbalances
    Severe porto-spleno-mesenteric vein thrombosis (clotting)

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们的团队会帮助您确定移植是否是最合适的治疗方法. 我们会花时间解释您的选择,并回答您可能对程序和恢复的任何问题.

肠衰竭 treatments we offer

团队合作, 我们提供广泛的非手术和手术选择来治疗肠衰竭. 我们的专长是:

Intestinal rehabilitation

Through intestinal rehab, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的健康专家改善了小肠吸收必需营养素的方式. 你的康复计划可能包括药物治疗、特殊饮食或非移植手术. Or, we may recommend a combination of these treatments.

Intestinal rehab can prevent TPN complications, which include electrolyte imbalances, infections and liver disease. It may also help you avoid the need for a transplant.

Other small bowel therapies we offer

在许多情况下,移植以外的治疗可以解决严重的问题. 即使另一家医疗中心告诉你移植是你最好的选择, we may be able to deliver effective surgical or nonsurgical treatments. 我们的专家团队共同努力,推荐最合适的护理.

Your options may include:

Central venous access: TPN requires careful maintenance of intravenous (IV) access. Our experts can provide longer-lasting IV access.

Intestinal lengthening: 外科专科手术可以消除肠移植的需要. 我们提供肠道延长手术,包括系列横向肠成形术(STEP)。.

Parenteral nutrition support: Our team offers deep knowledge about parenteral nutrition. We support your dietary needs and help manage your nutrition. We have special expertise in lipid emulsion formulations. 脂质(脂肪)对肠衰竭患者最大限度地提供营养至关重要.

Surgical reconstruction: 我们的外科医生在开发外科重建技术以改善肠道功能方面有多年的经验.

Wound and stoma care: 你会接受专门的伤口护理和造口处理(皮肤上连接肠道的开口)。. We offer precision surgeries to improve TPN access and waste removal.

Types of intestinal and multivisceral transplants we offer

部分肠衰竭患者还需要多器官移植。. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心是一家完整的移植医院,拥有各种类型的移植专家.


Small bowel transplant: 外科医生只切除小肠并用一个健康的器官代替.

Combined intestine and liver transplant: 同时患有肠道和肝脏功能衰竭的患者需要更换两个器官. Our physicians are among the world’s leading liver transplant experts.

Multivisceral transplant: 多内脏移植包括小肠和两个或两个以上腹部器官的移植, 比如肝脏, 胰腺或胃. 

Modified multivisceral transplant: Surgeons transplant the stomach, 胰腺 and intestine.


我们的团队包括世界知名的移植外科医生,他们在肠道和多内脏移植方面有着丰富的经验. 您还会得到肠道康复专家和具有肠道健康和消化系统疾病专业知识的注册营养师的护理.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 你会有一个经验丰富的移植专家团队,他们会提供协调的, 护理专家. 呼叫 310-825-8138 与我们联系.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 你会有一个经验丰富的移植专家团队,他们会提供协调的, 护理专家. 呼叫 310-825-8138 与我们联系.