
我们提供全面、个性化的青光眼护理. Our physicians use a variety of advanced, state-of-the-art glaucoma treatments.



Our glaucoma specialists provide comprehensive, personalized care. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的青光眼项目是Stein眼科研究所和Doheny眼科中心的一部分, which is ranked fifth in the nation in ophthalmology by U.S. News & 世界报道. 我们的团队在青光眼护理和研究方面具有卓越的全国声誉和领导地位. 


专家医生: Our faculty are nationally renowned leaders in the medical community. 我们发表了数百篇文章,撰写了书籍,并定期在美国演讲.S. 和国外. Many of our physicians hold positions in ophthalmic professional societies, including the American Glaucoma Society and Glaucoma Research Society, an international organization in which election is required for membership. 我们的一位医生是美国眼科学会的前任主席.

复杂需求的治疗: We receive referrals for many complicated cases, including pediatric glaucoma cases. Physicians across the country send their patients to us for our expertise.

护理协调: We make patient visits a one-stop shop as much as possible, so you see all the necessary specialists in one trip. Physicians also offer telemedicine visits to increase access to care. 我们所有的医生也治疗白内障, leading to seamless care coordination for patients with concurrent diseases.


我们的青光眼医生在南皇冠hga025的几个诊所诊断和治疗患者. 其他服务包括:


我们的成像实验室的使命是改进和优化成像技术,以检测青光眼或其他导致视力恶化的眼部疾病. 该实验室由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)资助,招收患有和不患有晚期青光眼损伤的患者. 我们的目标是优化和发展及时检测青光眼进展的方法.

要了解更多关于实验室的信息,请致电 310-794-1487.


Glaucoma is a term for a group of conditions that involve damage to the optic nerve, 导致视力丧失,最终失明. The optic nerve carries messages from your eyes to your brain to help you see. 许多形式的青光眼的特点是眼压升高(眼内压)或眼内液体排出不当, 导致视神经损伤.

There are two main types of glaucoma and a number of associated sub-types:

原发性青光眼: This type of glaucoma is not caused by another medical condition. 子类型包括:

  • 开角青光眼: Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is the most common of all glaucoma types, affecting nine in 10 glaucoma patients in the United States. 专家认为,开角型青光眼的发病原因是眼睛排液速度不够快, 对视神经造成压力.
  • 正常眼压青光眼: This type develops when the optic nerve is damaged but eye pressure remains normal. 专家们还不知道确切的原因, 但这种情况也有一些风险因素, 包括家族史, 心脏问题, 低血压或有日本血统. Other names include low-tension or normal-pressure glaucoma.
  •  闭角型青光眼: 也叫窄角青光眼, this condition is a medical emergency that causes intense eye pain, red eyes, 视力模糊和恶心. It occurs when the colored part of the eye (iris) blocks fluid drainage, 导致压力迅速积聚. If left untreated, this glaucoma type can cause blindness in only a few days. 
  • 先天性青光眼: About one in 10,000 babies is born with eye problems that prevent proper drainage. 早期症状包括眼睛浑浊, 额外的撕裂, 眼睛不规则地大或对光敏感. Babies who receive early treatment usually don’t experience permanent vision loss.

继发性青光眼: This type of glaucoma is caused by another medical condition. 可表现为开角型或闭角型青光眼. 子类型包括:

  • 新生血管性青光眼: 当眼睛的血管覆盖了眼睛应该排出液体的部分时,这种类型就发展起来了. It most commonly occurs due to diabetes or high blood pressure.
  • 颜料的青光眼: 在这种情况下,虹膜上的彩色斑点脱落,阻塞了正常的液体排泄区域. Young, near-sighted white men are most likely to develop this type.
  • 表皮剥脱的青光眼: 也称为假剥脱性青光眼, this type develops in people who have exfoliation syndrome, a condition that causes extra debris to gather on the eye. 这些碎片阻碍了液体的排出,最终导致视神经上的压力增加.
  • Uveitic青光眼: 患有葡萄膜炎的人, 引起炎症的眼睛状况, 会不会发展成这种青光眼. Inflammation and scar tissue may block the area of the eye where fluid should drain.

有些患者还患有青光眼,这种青光眼是由于白内障、肿瘤或眼部损伤而引起的. Our specialists have the expertise to effectively treat all types of glaucoma, 包括罕见和复杂的诊断.


我们的专家诊断和治疗所有类型的青光眼,包括复杂或晚期的病例. We use state-of-the-art diagnostic tests and treatment techniques.


Glaucoma specialists offer a range of advanced tools to diagnose glaucoma. 我们可以使用一系列的成像扫描和测试:

  • Assess vision loss, including peripheral (side) vision
  • 评估视神经纤维
  • 寻找视神经损伤
  • Photograph the optic nerve at specific points in time
  • 观察你的角膜之间的角度, 眼睛透明的外层覆盖物, 虹膜, the colored tissue in the center of your eye that contains the pupil


We provide advanced, effective glaucoma treatment, including: 

局部药物: 眼药水等药物可以降低眼压或减少眼睛分泌的液体. For many patients, eye drops can control glaucoma symptoms for years.

激光治疗: Physicians offer in-office laser treatments for glaucoma. These therapies can help the eyes drain fluid more effectively, reducing eye pressure. Our specialists use advanced laser techniques and technologies, 包括氩, N-YAG和脉冲染料激光治疗.

  • Trabeculoplasty: 外科医生使用裂隙灯显微镜和透镜将激光引导到眼睛的自然引流系统(小梁网)。. This procedure treats primary open-angle glaucoma by lowering eye pressure.
  • Iridotomy: 外科医生使用裂隙灯显微镜将激光聚焦在虹膜上,虹膜是眼睛的有色部分. They create a small hole in the iris to restore fluid flow and relieve pressure. 该手术治疗闭角型青光眼.

青光眼滤过手术(小梁切除术): 青光眼外科医生在眼组织中做一个小瓣,下面有一个新的引流管来降低眼压. The surgeon sews the flap back down and covers the area with the conjunctiva, 眼膜眼睛的外层. The procedure creates a small fluid-filled blister, a bleb, underneath the eyelid. 水泡内的液体会被身体重新吸收,其他人通常不会注意到水泡.

青光眼引流植入手术: 我们在眼睛里放一个小引流管. 这个管子为眼睛排出液体创造了一个新的通道,降低了眼压. 外科医生用一个小贴片盖住管子, which patients typically can’t see or feel after the procedure.

青光眼和白内障联合手术: 我们的专家可以为青光眼和白内障患者提供联合手术 . This approach may be more convenient and efficient for patients, reducing the need for multiple surgeries and office visits.


The glaucoma physicians at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 have advanced, specialized training in glaucoma diagnosis and treatment. As nationally established leaders in glaucoma research and treatment, 我们的专家发表了研究报告, authored books and delivered presentations at numerous ophthalmology conferences.


Glaucoma damages the optic nerve, resulting in vision loss and, in some cases, blindness. 青光眼的视力下降可以通过早期发现和适当的治疗来减缓或预防, 个性化的治疗. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校斯坦因眼科研究所青光眼部的内科科学家们试图确定视力丧失风险最大的个体, 制定个性化的护理策略, and implement new therapies to preserve their vision.

临床研究: 皇冠hga025的科学家们正在开发更好的方法来测量青光眼的损害率,并确定失明的高风险患者. These efforts help develop and implement effective, individualized therapies.

转化研究: 我们把化验结果转化为医疗实践, 通过临床试验将信息从有希望的实验转移到护理点患者应用程序. 科室成员积极参与开发新的和改进的治疗策略和创新的临床试验.



Developed techniques to identify patients at highest risk for vision loss. 实施人工智能方法来预测哪些患者处于疾病恶化的高风险中.





Applying AI to analyze previously gathered glaucoma data, 包括数字, images, 照片, etc., 预测疾病的未来进程,并主动使用治疗方法来减缓疾病进展.

利用皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校ATLAS项目收集的临床和基因组数据,增强我们对青光眼相关健康和疾病的遗传决定因素的理解. ATLAS intends to enroll a diverse patient population of 150,000 or more patients into the UCLA Precision Health Biobank. 收集的遗传信息将与来自患者医疗记录的去识别临床信息相结合,用于预测建模.


To learn how you can support glaucoma research to stop vision loss with a donation, 请咨询你的医生, 工作人员, 或联系:

Susan Lee DeRemer, CFRE
310-825-3381 or (电子邮件保护)

Contact us

Call 310-794-9442 to request an appointment with a glaucoma specialist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


To make a donation to the Glaucoma Research Fund, please scan the QR code.

请查看皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校和皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校基金会对潜在捐助者的QR披露声明,并了解更多关于皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校基金会如何投资和管理其捐赠的代码 www.uclafoundation.org/Resources/Disclosures.


Our glaucoma specialists are highly trained, established experts. Call 310-794-9442 有关我们青光眼服务的更多信息.
