
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康专家提供全方位的计划生育服务,以满足您的需求, 目标和生活方式.


Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for family planning?

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, family planning services include abortion care, 流产的管理, 为患者和家属提供全面避孕护理和保密支持. Our experienced team offers comprehensive gynecological, obstetrical and family planning services in a caring environment. 作为一个学术医疗中心, 我们自豪地为最复杂的妇产科需求提供领先的医疗服务. 我们课程的亮点包括:

定制服务: Whether you want to start a family, prevent pregnancy or learn about your reproductive options, our team delivers tailored care just for you. 我们还为性传播感染提供常规健康检查和治疗。. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康专家与您密切合作,制定适合您的目标和生活方式的计划. 

富有同情心的护理: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, we understand that family planning decisions are personal. If your plan includes having children, 我们的团队确保您在合适的时间获得怀孕所需的信息. 我们还为选择终止妊娠的患者提供全面的流产护理和流产后支持. 我们团队的每一位成员都致力于帮助您走上适合您的道路.

对无障碍的承诺: 我们提供多种语言的翻译服务,因此我们可以为我们皇冠hga020电脑版的所有成员提供个性化的护理. 我们的护理团队欢迎青少年、成年人、老年患者和所有性别的人. 我们的团队协助LGBTQ+夫妇进行计划生育和生育治疗,为建立家庭提供更多选择. 我们还专门为残疾人和患有复杂疾病的人提供帮助.

先进的专业知识: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 OB/GYN specialists are nationwide leaders in the full spectrum of 妇女保健. Our experts offer reproductive care, 基因检测和咨询, and fertility consultations for patients with a wide range of health conditions. 我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的其他专家合作,帮助您最大限度地提高整体健康水平,为健康怀孕做好准备. We are a board-certified 复杂计划生育 fellowship site.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心,我们经验丰富的团队专门研究复杂的计划生育和生殖健康. 我们的护理领域包括:

  • Abortion and 流产的管理
  • 避孕咨询
  • Genetic testing and counseling, both pre-conception and during pregnancy
  • Gynecological and obstetrical (OB/GYN) care
  • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing and treatment

Abortion (medical and surgical termination of pregnancy)

As part of our commitment to accessible and compassionate abortion care, 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心的复杂计划生育小组为选择终止妊娠的患者提供全面的服务. 我们的专家会花时间解释你的选择,并帮助你决定什么是适合你的.

Depending on several factors, your options may include medications or a surgical procedure. Your doctor will discuss each option and answer any questions you may have. We offer a no-test telemedicine abortion (NTTA) model of care, 让患者在不需要超声波检查或亲自到诊所就诊的情况下进行药物流产.

我们经验丰富的团队明白,终止妊娠的决定可能是一个复杂的选择. That’s why our services extend beyond the procedure itself. We’re here to offer you whatever support and counseling you desire.

Types of contraception (birth control) we offer

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心, 我们训练有素的计划生育护理团队提供全面的计划生育咨询. 我们还能够照顾遇到与避孕有关的并发症的患者(如嵌入式宫内节育器或深度植入Nexplanon®植入物).

我们的目标是为您提供所需的信息,让您在准备好时能够健康怀孕. We discuss your options based on your overall health, age and lifestyle. We also follow up and adjust the plan if your needs change. 您的选择可能包括:

障碍方法: Condoms and diaphragms prevent sperm from reaching an egg.

联合激素避孕药: 这些方法释放荷尔蒙到体内,阻止你排卵(释放卵子)。. They come in the form of a birth control pill that you take orally (by mouth), 你戴在皮肤上的节育贴片或插入阴道的柔性环.

Emergency contraception (morning-after pill): This pill can prevent pregnancy after having unprotected sex. It is not an abortion pill and doesn’t work if you’re already pregnant. We can also place IUDs (both copper and hormonal) as emergency contraception.

注射(避孕针): Shots release hormones that prevent you from ovulating. Your doctor gives you a shot in the skin in your upper arm. The shot provides birth control for a few months.

植入物: Your doctor places a small implant under the skin in your upper arm. The implant release hormones that prevent ovulation. 植入物可以维持几年.

宫内节育器: 你的医生会在一次简短的门诊中将这个小的t形装置插入你的子宫. The IUD can prevent pregnancy up to 10 to 12 years. 当你准备好取出它时,你的医生会在下次就诊时取出它.

永久避孕: 我们的团队提供了几种避孕措施,可以永久防止怀孕. 女性可以选择输卵管结扎(一种堵住输卵管使卵子无法进入子宫的手术)。. 男性可能会选择输精管切除术(一种停止向阴茎提供精子的手术)。.

Gynecological and obstetrical (OB/GYN) care

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 specialists provide routine and comprehensive 妇产科护理. 当你来找我们时,你会发现:

妇科服务: 我们提供乳房和骨盆检查,巴氏涂片检查和微创妇科手术. Our specialists also treat pelvic pain, fibroids (noncancerous growths) and abnormal uterine bleeding.

产科护理: 为了监测你和宝宝的健康,你在整个怀孕期间都会接受检查. 我们在高危妊娠方面有丰富的经验,并与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康母胎医学专家密切合作,以确保协调护理. 我们还提供营养和社会工作支持,作为我们整体护理模式的一部分.

基因检测: We partner with specialists in reproductive genetics to provide pre-conception 遗传咨询 for people with a personal or family history of genetic disorders. 我们的专业知识包括帮助准父母评估遗传疾病给孩子的风险. 我们还提供终止妊娠后的基因检测,以帮助未来的怀孕计划.


我们致力于让我们的病人和皇冠hga020电脑版成员能够就他们的生殖健康做出明智的决定. Our goal is to deliver easy-to-understand, medically accurate information about a range of topics, including birth control methods and natural family planning. 我们提供的服务包括一些拓展和教育项目,例如:

节育故事: 与更多的观众建立联系,以清晰和吸引人的方式解释节育方法, the family planning team at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 developed Birth Control Tales (BC Tales). 这种创造性的方法对病人的教育是一个信息丰富的系列漫画关于各种生育控制方法. Learn more about BC Tales and read the comics.

第十章计划生育方案: Through workshops at schools and organizations, our health education specialists share information about preventing pregnancy, 降低性传播感染风险, 性别与性, healthy communication in relationships and more. We tailor each interactive workshop to address the specific needs of the group. Learn more about scheduling a workshop.


We accept several insurance plans, including commercial HMO and PPO plans. We also work with patients who self-pay for their care. 保险 plans we accept include:

皇冠hga025医保: We accept straight Medi-Cal and pregnancy restricted Medi-Cal. 哪里有资格, we can register patients for temporary Medi-Cal, also known as Hospital Presumptive Eligibility. 作为Medi-Cal管理医疗的成员的患者可以在不需要授权的情况下看到我们的敏感服务(避孕护理), 性传播感染检测/治疗, abortion-related care) or with authorization for other OB/GYN services.

Family PACT (计划生育, Access, Care, and Treatment): 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is part of this California Office of 计划生育 program. 透过家庭契约, 我们为皇冠hga025低收入居民提供全面的计划生育服务. 了解更多关于家庭契约的信息.

BCCTP (Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program): 我们可以招募病人 这个程序, which provides cancer care to eligible applicants.


Our physicians are experts in family planning, gynecology and obstetrics. With specialized expertise in complex family planning, 高危妊娠, 子宫肌瘤的治疗, 微创手术, 盆腔疼痛等, we work as a team to deliver outstanding, 定制的护理.


呼叫 310-825-5961 to connect with a family planning specialist or receive abortion-related care.
呼叫 310-825-7955 for 妇产科护理 or general scheduling needs.


You receive customized family planning services in a caring environment. 呼叫 310-825-5961 to connect with a family planning expert. For general 妇产科护理, you can call 310-825-7955.