
Our neuro-rehabilitation team offers comprehensive therapy to improve the quality of life for people with neurological disorders. Services include both outpatient and inpatient care.

Nurse Helping Middle Aged Woman with Physical Therapy


The experts at our Neuro-康复 Program aim to help minimize the symptoms and disabilities of people living with neurologic diseases. Our services include outpatient rehabilitation as well as inpatient rehabilitation through the California 康复 Institute, the largest facility of its kind on the West Coast.


  • Multispecialty护理: Patients receive care from a full team of specialists, 包括康复医生和护士, 神经学家, 心理学家, 神经心理学家, 物理治疗师, 职业治疗师, recreational therapists and speech-language pathologists.
  • 研究重点: Our emphasis on research means we continually offer the newest, 最有效的康复疗法. Eligible patients may have access to new treatments by participating in clinical trials.
  • 个性化治疗方案: We work with you to find realistic goals and effective treatments. Our specialists use a patient-centered approach, creating individualized care plans for each patient.


So, what is neuro-rehabilitation, and what does the program entail? Our neurorehabilitation team provides a range of services, 包括:

  • 住院病人护理: Our 138-bed inpatient rehabilitation hospital is the largest of its kind in the western United States. A full team assesses symptoms and helps patients improve their daily functions. 我们制定一个护理计划来解决多个问题, 包括吞咽, 沟通, 流动性, 疼痛和认知功能.
  • 门诊医疗: We offer outpatient consultations for patients with new or existing neurologic diagnoses. Treatment plans aim to minimize the impact of disabilities associated with neurological disorders. They focus on improving functional abilities, self-care skills and independence. Patients discharged from our inpatient facility may transition to follow-up care through our outpatient facility.
  • 研究: Our team includes experts who continually seek the best treatment options. We bring these treatments to patients through studies and clinical trials. Our physicians research best practices in neuro-rehabilitation and adjust care plans in real time to offer effective solutions.


Our team treats a wide range of conditions that could benefit from neurological rehabilitation services, 包括:  

  • 格林-巴利综合征: A rare disorder in which the immune system attacks nerves, 导致肌肉无力, 刺痛,可能瘫痪
  • 多发性硬化: A chronic disease in which the immune system attacks the protective covering around nerves, 经常引起慢性疼痛, 疲劳或视力丧失
  • 帕金森病: A progressive nervous system disorder often causing tremors, 失去协调或平衡问题
  • 脊髓损伤: Any injuries affecting the spinal cord nerves and cells, which send messages between the brain and the rest of the body
  • 中风: A medical emergency in which blood flow to the brain is disrupted, 经常导致瘫痪, 语言和吞咽问题, 记忆力减退,思维困难
  • 创伤性脑损伤: Any injury causing brain damage, often after a blow to the head


We offer multiple types of therapy through the Neuro-康复 Program, 包括:  

  • 物理治疗: Physical therapists help improve muscle control and increase strength, balance and 流动性.
  • 职业疗法: Occupational therapists help improve daily function and fine motor skills. They may recommend changes to the home environment or adaptive equipment to help increase a patient’s ability to care for themselves.
  • 言语治疗: A speech therapist helps increase language and 沟通 skills and improve swallowing problems.
  • 娱乐疗法: These therapists teach you adaptive skills to help you participate in leisure activities you enjoy, 比如运动, 园艺或手工艺.
  • 营养咨询: A nutrition counselor guides you regarding what foods can help optimize your nutrition during recovery. They may recommend specific diet plans, supplements or other modifications as needed.

Patients in our program may also have treatment plans that involve:

  • 理疗学: A board-certified physical medicine and rehabilitation doctor oversees your care plan and refers you to specialists as needed. 
  • 心理学: Patients may participate in therapy to screen for or treat mental health disorders that arise from a neurological condition, 比如抑郁或焦虑.   
  • 神经心理学: A neuropsychologist evaluates how thoughts and behaviors relate to the brain and nervous system. They may help diagnose or manage neurological disorders, as well as help you cope with the changes you go through during rehabilitation.


Our neuro-rehabilitation team offers comprehensive therapy services for neurological disorders, 包括住院和门诊治疗. They also research new and effective treatment options to bring patients the latest technologies and treatments.



呼叫 310-794-9551 为门诊神经康复服务或 424-522-7100 for inpatient neuro-rehabilitation services at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Our specialists provide extensive neuro-rehab services. 门诊咨询请致电 310-794-9551. 如需住院服务,请致电 424-522-7100.