

冠状动脉狭窄. 彩色冠状动脉造影(x线)

Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for 介入性心脏病学?

The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 介入性心脏病学 team is at the forefront of innovative care. We are committed to delivering world-class medicine. 我们的目标是改善病人个人和整个皇冠hga020电脑版的健康.

Patients who choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for 介入性心脏病学 benefit from:

先进的挽救生命的治疗: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的医疗系统内, 我们有多个导管实验室(cath labs),提供先进的诊断和治疗. We even have a 24/7 cath lab that provides emergency, lifesaving treatment.

服务范围: We offer the full range of testing and treatment options, 包括微创技术诊断和修复心脏瓣膜和血管问题. This approach typically results in a quick recovery, less pain and an optimal outcome.

临床领导的关怀: 我们的介入心脏病专家参与并领导了帮助我们改善护理的研究试验. We also train 介入性心脏病学 fellows, many of whom go on to become leaders in their respective fields. 我们自学最先进的技术,以便为患者提供最新的技术和治疗.


介入心脏病专家执行微创程序来治疗一系列心脏和血管疾病, 包括:  


We are national leaders in treating the entire spectrum of cardiovascular conditions. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, and many heart conditions arise from blocked blood vessels.

We treat patients who have atherosclerosis, chest pain (angina) and heart attacks. 当被称为斑块的脂肪沉积在为心脏供血和供氧的动脉(冠状动脉)上时,就会出现这些问题。. As the arteries become clogged, blood flow to the heart decreases.

Complete Revascularization in High-Risk Indicated Patients Program(CHIP):

血运重建术是打开阻塞的冠状动脉以恢复血液流向心脏的过程. 如果多条动脉被阻塞,医生可能会建议进行冠状动脉搭桥手术.

But some patients are too medically fragile to undergo this major surgery. 通过CHIP项目, we evaluate high-risk patients with complex coronary artery disease and heart failure. 一组心胸外科医生, 介入心脏病学家, 电生理学家和心力衰竭和机械循环专家一起评估每个病人的最佳选择. We offer a full range of therapies for patients with even the most complex conditions.

Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD)

自发性冠状动脉剥离是一种罕见的疾病,它发生在心脏的动脉壁上. SCAD can lead to a heart attack and is about 10 times more common in women than in men.

皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 specialists offer a range of treatments for SCAD. 我们可能会开药或实施手术在冠状动脉内放置支架(血管成形术和支架置入术). Our doctors offer long-term follow-up and monitoring to ensure optimal outcomes.


Plaque can build up in arteries outside the heart. 这种情况被称为外周动脉疾病,每年有300多万人受到影响. PAD is most common in the leg arteries, reducing blood flow to the legs.  

Our experts are board certified in cardiology, 介入性心脏病学, vascular imaging and endovascular (minimally invasive) procedures. We detect and treat all types of blood circulation problems. 我们的医生与其他专家如介入血管放射科医生和血管外科医生一起工作,提供全面的护理.


我们的介入心脏病专家可以使用微创手术修复许多结构性心脏问题. 他们经常与Ahmanson/UCLA健康成人先天性心脏病中心的医生一起工作. 我们的许多医生设计, 发展和改进用于治疗结构性心脏病的微创技术.

Adult congenital heart disease (ACHD)


This center is a national and international care center, the first and largest facility of its kind in the United States. Our doctors have special training in adult congenital heart disease, 专攻超声心动图, 心导管检查, 电生理学等.

Conditions 介入心脏病学家 treat

We use 介入性心脏病学 services to treat a range of conditions, 包括:


冠状动脉疾病 is progressive. As fatty deposits build up on the artery walls, you may experience:

动脉粥样硬化: Narrowing of the arteries that slows blood flow to the heart

慢性全闭塞: 一条或多条向心脏输送血液的动脉(冠状动脉)完全阻塞

心 attack (myocardial infarction): A sudden, life-threatening interruption of blood flow to the heart


许多结构性心脏问题在出生时就存在(先天性),而其他问题则在生命后期发展. Abnormalities can occur in various parts of the heart, including the four heart valves. Some of the most common problems we treat include:

房间隔缺损: A hole in the wall (septum) that separates the two upper heart chambers (atria)

主动脉瓣狭窄: 将血液从心脏输送到身体其他部位的瓣膜(主动脉瓣)变窄

肥厚性心肌病: A disease in which the heart muscle thickens (hypertrophies), often in the wall that separates the lower two heart chambers (ventricles) 

二尖瓣返流: 当允许血液流出心脏的瓣膜(二尖瓣)不能正常关闭时, leading to blood leaking backward into the heart


我们的介入心脏病专家使用一系列先进的技术来治疗心脏瓣膜和血管问题. 治疗方法包括:


我们的介入心脏病专家通过导管进行微创手术,去除斑块并打开阻塞的动脉. 程序包括:

血管成形术和支架置入术: 我们的介入心脏病专家为部分阻塞的动脉提供球囊血管成形术. The balloon widens the artery so we can place a small tube (stent) to hold it open. We also use a complex version of this procedure to treat totally blocked arteries, called chronic total occlusions (CTOs). A CTO occurs when a coronary artery is completely blocked for three months or longer, which means that blood can’t flow to the heart. Angioplasty and stenting significantly improve the long-term success of treatment. 并不是每个中心都有专业的外科医生和特殊的设备来做这个手术.

Atherectomy: Cardiologists use this procedure to remove hardened plaque from an artery. Hardened plaque usually can’t be opened with balloon angioplasty. 我们通过大腿或腹股沟上的动脉插入导管,并注入造影剂以观察冠状动脉阻塞. 导管的尖端有一个激光或小刀片,可以溶解或刮掉斑块,以恢复血液流动.

Structural heart condition treatment

We use minimally invasive techniques to treat structural heart problems. Our structural intervention services include:

Left atrial appendage (LAA) closure: 患有心房颤动(AFib)的心律紊乱患者形成血栓的风险很高,从而导致中风. 高达90%的血凝块来自心脏的一小部分,叫做左心房附件. Our 介入心脏病学家 can place a small device to close the LAA, 显著降低中风风险. 更多的 than nine in 10 patients stop taking blood thinners after receiving this treatment.

MitraClip®: The MitraClip is a small device we attach to the mitral valve. 它治疗二尖瓣不能正常打开和关闭的情况(二尖瓣反流)。. MitraClip是一种突破性的非手术治疗方法,适用于那些不适合心脏直视手术的患者. 来到皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康中心进行这项手术的患者可以在一次就诊期间在一个方便的地点看到整个二尖瓣修复团队. 

Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR): TAVR是一种治疗不适合开腹手术的主动脉瓣狭窄(主动脉狭窄)患者的方法. 在TAVR中,外科医生使用微创导管技术替换受损的主动脉瓣. 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is among the nation’s leaders in TAVR outcomes. 我们组织会议和研讨会,向全国和全球的医生传授最佳实践.


Our 介入心脏病学家 provide exceptional clinical care. 他们还培训新医生,并参与研究,以推进治疗方案.


呼叫 310-825-9011 to request an appointment with an interventional cardiologist at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康.


Interventional cardiology teams provide care in multiple locations. To learn more about our services, call 310-825-9011.