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Why choose 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 for inflammatory bowel disease care?

我们的专家致力于为炎症性肠病(IBD)患者提供最优质的护理。, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. 我们的首要任务是为每个生命阶段的患者提供服务,并提供一个可以满足所有IBD护理需求的空间. 我们专注于缓解身体症状,以及情绪困扰和其他与IBD相伴而来的挑战. 我们课程的亮点包括:

IBD护理的团队方法: The UCLA Center for 炎症性肠病s offers comprehensive clinical care. Our team includes expert adult and pediatric IBD clinicians, 结直肠外科医生, 胃肠道营养学家, GI health 心理学家 and integrative practitioners. 我们定期见面讨论你的病情, and we work together to develop individualized treatment plans. You are also an essential part of the team, and we encourage shared decision-making that matches your personal preferences.

第二个意见: IBD中心还为肠胃科医生提供复杂IBD患者的第二意见咨询. 鉴于该中心治疗IBD的丰富经验和众多的亚专科医生-包括IBD特定的胃肠病学家, 营养师, 心理学家, 社会工作者, 对于外科医生来说,该中心可以作为皇冠hga020电脑版医生的宝贵转诊资源.

专业诊所: 考虑到IBD治疗的复杂性, 该中心建立了诊所,在亚专业领域拥有专业知识的专业提供者能够提供更细致入微的治疗.

LGBTQIA +人口: 该中心适应LGBTQIA+人群的特殊需求,包括那些接受激素治疗的人, which can potentially interact with certain IBD medications. We provide a welcoming environment as well as high-quality, individualized care in partnership with your primary care provider. 对所有患者, a GI psychologist and integrative care nurse practitioner help to optimize wellness.

便利的位置和远程医疗: 该中心的IBD临床医生高度合作,并在整个大都会地区为克罗恩病和溃疡性结肠炎提供协调治疗. Our infusion centers are located throughout Los Angeles and its surrounding communities. Telehealth visits are also available for convenient and accessible care.

临床试验和研究: 我们的国际知名专家建立了皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校炎症性肠病研究中心,研究IBD的病因并开发新的治疗方法. We integrate our latest discoveries into the care of our patients. Patients also have access to clinical trials and studies.


IBD内外科诊所如果需要手术的话, we offer a single-setting clinic that can address all your surgery-related needs. 您的IBD医生和手术团队协同工作,在手术前解决诸如医疗和营养优化等问题, 手术计划, 以及术后处理. 在手术前后,您将继续访问诊所,以确保最佳结果.

IBD营养门诊在炎症性肠病的治疗中,营养越来越受到关注. 这个多学科诊所结合了最新的证据,使饮食建议个性化的每个病人的需要. 诊所包括您的内科医生和一组经过专门培训的IBD注册营养师,他们还协助制定围手术期营养计划,以优化手术效果.

IBD Pediatric-to-Adult Transition Clinic: 随着患有IBD的儿童进入成年期, 从儿科环境顺利过渡尤为重要——既要确保在他们开始看到新的提供者时有效的连续性护理, and to empower them to take ownership of their ongoing healthcare needs. 该诊所的儿科和成人IBD专家主要关注年龄在18至26岁之间的患者. 

IBD Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum Clinic这个多学科诊所是世界上为数不多的诊所之一,在这里,一个包括专门研究女性健康的IBD医生和一个高风险的妇产科医生的团队通过孕前计划与患者合作, 怀孕, and the postpartum period to alleviate fears, 消除误解, 最大化结果. 


IBD can cause major lifestyle disruptions. The symptoms tend to be highly unpredictable. Without treatment, symptoms can progress. In some cases, they can require surgery. 我们提供:

Comprehensive evaluations and medical management

Our team offers comprehensive evaluations to determine the best medical management plan. 我们会帮你找到合适的药物,并密切监测你的症状.

Endoscopic screening, surveillance and treatment

With IBD, endoscopy is critical for work-up and regular surveillance. 内窥镜检查程序使用小, 插入体内的细管, 通常通过口腔或直肠. 这个电子管有一个照相机和一些小工具.

我们的胃肠病学专家是进行内窥镜检查的专家,可以监测和评估您的消化道健康状况. 我们使用:

胶囊内镜检查(PillCam™): 这个过程使用一个药丸大小的相机,安装在一个胶囊里,拍摄小肠的照片.

Chromoendoscopy: 该测试包括在内镜检查期间向胃肠道内壁喷洒染料,以帮助识别癌前细胞或癌细胞.

结肠镜检查: 这是对大肠(结肠)和直肠的检查,检查是否有异常或变化,如肠内膜的生长(息肉)。. It helps physicians detect and remove colon and rectal polyps before they become cancer. 

小肠镜: This endoscopic evaluation of the small bowel uses specialized endoscopes.

乙状结肠镜检查: 该检查检查直肠和大肠下部(乙状结肠)。. It helps your provider check for polyps, ulcers or other irregular cells. 

上消化道内镜检查: 这个程序评估胃, esophagus and the first part of your small intestine (duodenum). We may use this test to diagnose the cause of abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing or gastrointestinal bleeding. 


A unique component of IBD care at 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 is the participation of 胃肠道营养学家, GI health 心理学家 and integrative health practitioners. 提供替代疗法, our highly experienced team helps you deal with the challenges of living with IBD.


At the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Center for 炎症性肠病s, we have experience treating even the most complex types of IBD. These diseases cause chronic (long-term) inflammation and pain in the digestive tract. IBD患者还可能有:

  • 腹部绞痛
  • Diarrhea, bloody diarrhea or bloody stools
  • 乏力
  • 眼睛发红、疼痛
  • 皮肤问题,如发痒
  • 关节肿胀
  • 减肥

Our experts specialize in treating the main types of IBD:

克罗恩氏病: This type of IBD can appear anywhere along the digestive tract. It usually causes pain and inflammation in the intestines.

溃疡性结肠炎(UC): UC causes ulcers to develop in the large intestine, leading to swelling and pain.


With IBD, it’s extremely important to start treatments as early as possible. 我们提供:


Our team works closely with you to determine the most appropriate medications, and monitors your health regularly for signs of flare-ups. Medications may include anti-inflammatory drugs and investigational medications. 中度或重度IBD患者可能受益于常规输注治疗(通过静脉给药)。.

这些治疗在改善症状和预防IBD并发症方面是有效的, 比如对肠道的损伤. 为了使您的护理更方便,我们在整个南皇冠hga025提供输液治疗.


IBD患者需要专门的营养指导来控制症状和预防营养不良. Expert nutritional guidance can also address issues that result from changes in anatomy, 包括狭窄, 瘘管(沿胃肠道的异常开口)和脓肿(含脓的炎症组织).

Anatomy changes can also arise from treatments, such as resection (removing part of the bowel) or other surgeries. 我们的综合医疗团队提供替代疗法,帮助您应对IBD患者生活的复杂性和压力.


我们与皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校的其他健康专家合作,帮助患有ibd相关健康问题的患者. You receive coordinated care from dermatologists, 风湿病专家, 妇产科专家, 血液学家, ophthalmologists and hepatologists as needed.


If your specialist recommends surgery, you’re in expert hands. Our nationally recognized 结直肠外科医生 use advanced, 微创手术技术, 包括腹腔镜, 机器人和内窥镜手术. 程序可能包括:

脓肿引流术, a procedure to remove pus from an abscess (inflamed tissue)

内镜下球囊扩张术: This endoscopic procedure treats strictures, the narrowing of the intestines due to inflammation and scarring.

内窥镜strictureplasty: 这种内窥镜手术通过扩大狭窄的区域来修复狭窄,而不切除肠道的任何部分.  

Ileal pouch anal anastomosis (J-pouch), surgery that allows you to get rid of waste normally after a colectomy

造口术(回肠造口或结肠造口); surgery that creates an opening (stoma) for waste to exit the body

Partial or total colectomy (bowel resection), procedures to remove part or all of the colon

串线放置, a procedure that treats a fistula by repairing an abnormal connection in the GI tract


与大多数慢性疾病相比,炎症性肠病需要多学科治疗. 我们在皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校炎症性肠病健康中心的专家利用共享的专业知识提供全面的护理.


请致电855-IBD-UCLA (855-423-8252)联系IBD专家.


请致电855-IBD-UCLA (855-423-8252) 联系IBD专家.